Peter Kater was featured in AVANT GARDE magazine: "The Spiritually Creative Artist"
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Trisha Bowden, Founder - Mysterium Music
Kater and Nakai have probably not just created another award winning album, but gifted to the world a genuine all time classic, this just has to be one of the best releases this year.
Longtime fans of the Kater/Nakai collaborations will be very happy with this new installment. Newcomers will find this a great place to start.
Muzik Reviews: Peter Kater has crafted an inner journey that takes you through the chakras. With atmospheric music, ambient sound, piano and lilting vocals, this multi-award winning artist brings you to a place where you can deal with the stresses of everyday life.
Peter Kater has created another winner. His compositions, signature piano and keyboards harmoniously marry here with the instrumental support of Paul McCandless and vocals from Trisha Bowden. The result is an uplifting and supportive audio companion that comfortably guides you through the body’s seven chakras for rejuvenation. Take a listen and feel your daily stress wash away; it may also aid in coping with challenges of great magnitude, from illness to emotional trauma and the process of dying. Kater consistently delivers work that positively affects peoples lives. - Bette Timm
"Light Body" is now playing on Celtic Radio broadcast channels including Highlander Radio!
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Peter Kater, who plays synthesizers as well as piano is accompanied by Grammy Award winner Paul McCandless on saxophones, oboe, English horn, and penny whistle. Paul has performed and recorded with some of the most well respected names in jazz, new age, and world music, and is known as member of The Paul Winter Consort and the group Oregon. Also featured are the exquisitely ethereal wordless vocals of Trisha Bowden, who served as the executive producer of the CD and is the founder of the Mysterium Music label that the album appears on.
More ambient than melodic, and often very ethereal, it makes a soothing background for working, reading, relaxing, driving, and many other activities that can be made more enjoyable with unobtrusive music that evokes feelings of peace and calm. I also need to mention the striking cover artwork by Valerie McManus - gorgeous!
From AGRELIA'S CASTLE - Grammy Nominated Producer/Keyboardist for the Waterboys, "Brother" Paul Brown, and his wife April Brown, vocalist and Native American-style flautist.
The songs on ELDERS & ANCESTORS have grown from the artists’ journey together through the cancer landscape. They come from the desire to create peace, joy, and hope.
Combining the sounds of vintage Fender Rhodes, B3, and warm soundbeds with hauntingly beautiful vocals, Native American Style Flutes, guitars, cello, and sitar, set over the soothing sounds of nature, the music is both ethereal and earthy, calming and uplifting, inviting the listener on a heart-filling journey into a healing space for release, relief, and relaxation.
“It’s like stepping into a parallel world of this gorgeous hypnotic healing music
and April sings like an earth angel." -Mike Scott The Waterboys
This offering to the world is Paul and April Brown’s way to give back to all of the wonderful teachers they have met along their journey, many of whom are no longer with us, who have shown them how to live, under difficult circumstances, with beauty and grace. This music is dedicated to all of them. Album Release Date: September 1, 2015
Click play to hear the album's beautiful opening track:
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International $14.99 (+ $10.25 s/h) |
My singing days started as a shy, lonesome kid with a good pony who actually loved to hear me sing. Later, in my teen years I found a real calling in singing the blues and eventually this lead to many nights in local bars belting out and away some of my shyness. I chased the music scene in college through Austin and DC, where I finally got to front a great local band called Southern Wind. From there New York City drew me in. The 80's were full of exciting opportunities in the New Wave days.
Many doors were opened for me at this time, playing major clubs, investors trying to market me, making music videos etc. But, I could not find my place in all this with others trying to fit me into a musical package, so to speak. I broke away and for a while started co-creating some very interesting work, but it was too "out there" for the record companies of that time. Too, Mysterious. Songs about anti-terrorism and the sadness of suicide and the underworld of human trafficking.
As a singer in New York in the early 1980's I lost many friends to AIDS at an alarming rate. At this time there was no hope on the horizon. No one knew how to cope with all the sudden fear and gut wrenching grief and the loss of so many talented artists. I felt lost and I wanted to reach out, but I didn't know how or where, to begin.
However, I think the spark of compassion had been struck, deep inside.
Frustrated with the politics of the Music industry at that time and ready for a change of pace I left the music business and went back to singing to my horses. I started a horse boarding farm in hopes of connecting with a gentler side of GOD, animals.
However, as with all life lessons mine followed me through many years of rescuing animals and people. Many more birth and death experiences and no time for music in my own life. Not a note did I sing! What a shame, for I was dying inside.
It took 20 yrs. for my voice to come out, while at an Ashram in Virginia learning to Chant the names of the Divine. This changed my whole life and my approach to living life. Instead of trying to "save" every creature, I have learned that compassion comes by supporting their journey, where ever it goes.
Finally, letting go of all the blood sweat and tears that goes along with a large farm, my husband, rescues and I all settled in a little piece of heaven on a beautiful lake. It is here that I can have a renewed respect and love for the natural world and GOD every day. AND YES, I sing to my pony everyday!
It is here my husband, Gary, and I have created an intimate recording studio, a special place to express and record our music and the music of others.
Greatly renewed in my desire to sing into the hearts of others, now, I've decided to start at the very route of my cause. Transitions. Or, endings and new beginnings or death and rebirth, simply change.
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